At Home with Surf Photographer Keoki Saguibo

Life changed pretty abruptly with travel shutting down for travel surf photographer Keoki Saguibo. We caught up with him just before the big swells started to hit the North Shore for the season and asked him to share a bit about his life and some of his recent work.
Keoki Saguibo on the oceans edge

Q: As a photographer, are there any aspects of your work that you do from home?


A: I am happy to have the opportunity to work at home where I would say 80% of my recent work has been. Starting Lost Not Found Magazine amongst recent times consists of writing, photo editing, communications, sales, marketing, just to name a few disciplines with running a magazine. Content gathering like shooting becomes more of a joy now days because of "homework" but I can't complain when I have the comforts of home with a cat in my lap. 
Keoki Saguibo working at home
Q: What does a typical day on the job look like for you these days?


A: It really all depends on what's happening in the ocean when I wake in the morning. I definitely start the day off with coffee and look at conditions along the North Shore on the surf cams. The waves and conditions dictate whether I should be out there shooting early or do a workout if conditions haven't really settled or start working on the mag if the conditions are less than ideal. Luckily the majority of my work does consist of finding good waves and conditions whether shooting commercially or for the World Surf League. So being on top of the forecast and conditions is a big part of what I do. I probably spend more than an hour a day looking at the forecast to dictate the best spots for wave and wind direction. When the mid-afternoon hits, I tend to slow down with work and try to get in the water somewhere to ride a few waves. It's such a release to play in waves after a day's work or go for a swim. The ocean is the healthiest ingredient in my life both physically and mentally. 
Keoki and Rosie about to hit the waves.
Q: Hawai‘i is known for having a tight-knit community. How have your relationships in Oahu helped you navigate this turbulent year?


A: Living on an island we are lucky to have the people we care about in such close proximity to each other. Whenever I needed help with anything, it wasn't very far. There were hard times for me and a lot worse for others; I believe in these times lending a helping hand whenever we could was a way to stay and feel positive in a time when it's needed most. What kept me sane is learning to love new hobbies such as farming and fishing. Both things I thought I could benefit from as well as help family and community by providing fruit trees and fish from my catch. It's not much but spending time in nature really gets my mind away from what's going on in the world while helping with what I can.
Keoki Saguibo and Rosie during a sunset surf session.
Q: How have you and Rosie (Rosie Jaffurs - North Shore surfer and instructor) been spending your time together lately?


A: We have been doing a lot of things we did back when we were in high school like swimming, hiking, surfing of course, cooking, gardening, to pass the time. We didn't have much money coming in while spending wisely was a must, we kept busy by staying busy. Our usual agenda has been summer travel for 4-5 months to come back to winter on the North Shore a few weeks away. We're such a simple couple where our lives revolve around the ocean and staying home during the pandemic has been a great way to reconnect with what we have in our backyard.

Follow Keoki @photokeoki

Keoki Sebguido shooting from the water